
Real Property Rights in the Slovak Republic (Vol. 34)

Michaela Stessl

Co-edited with the Association of Hungarian Mortgage Banks (MAGYAR JELZÁLOGBANK EGYESÜLET), Budapest and in Cooperation with the Center og legal Competence (CLC), Vienna

Since 1989 the Association of German Pfandbrief Banks (vdp) has been systematically analysing land registration and mortgage law in Europe (meanwhile also in the United States and in Canada) in order to provide its member institutions with practically relevant information about the status quo of the respective legal systems in this sector.
Due to language barriers detailed information is difficult to get. For the analysis of the national legal systems of this region, vdp for many years has cooperated with the Center of Legal Competence (CLC), Vienna. Also this publication was elaborated in cooperation with the CLC.

This publication about real property law in the Slovak Republic builds upon an earlier working paper issued in 2001 and follows earlier vdp publications in German language on real property law in the Czech Republic (vdp volume No. 21), in Hungary (vdp volume No. 27) and in Romania (vdp volume No. 29). Further similar publications are under preparation for the real property law in Bulgaria and Poland.

The paper “Real Property Rights in the Slovak Republic” is intended as an analysis of the legal provisions on real property and their practical application with a special focus on the Slovak Real Estate Register and the Slovak mortgage law. In the Slovak Republic, as well as in the Czech Republic and in Hungary, a unified system of land registration and cadastre exists, which is maintained by the cadastre offices under the competence of the Authority of Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre of the Slovak Republic (Úrad geodézie, kartografie a katastra SR).


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