10 Years of vdpResearch
The Association of German Pfandbrief Banks (vdp) congratulates vdpResearch on its tenth anniversary.
Since entering the market in 2009, vdpResearch has established itself as a competent market participant in the financial sector and real estate industry and has continued to strengthen the importance of its real estate price database. The main focus of its work is on recording, analysing and forecasting regional real estate markets.
"The generation of property and market data enables vdpResearch to analyse markets, record property price trends, draw conclusions and provide relevant parameters for property valuation," emphasizes Dr. Louis Hagen, President of the vdp.
"The demand for valid data and information on the development of real estate markets is bigger today than ever before. Especially in the digital age, reliable data preparation is essential," explains Jens Tolckmitt, Chief Executive of the vdp.
vdpResearch has been successfully performing this task for over ten years. Current regulatory requirements and supervisory law require an ongoing recording and assessment of real estate markets and individual properties. The empirically based analysis of portfolio data is a fundamental requirement for this.